For those of us who had hoped that 2021 will be the year that will put the pandemic in the past tense, it was a harsh reminder that it is still very much present and prevalent. Rather than developing plans to return to the ‘normal’ life we knew before the pandemic, we must come to terms […]
Do you know that you have 2 “ages”? Chronological age is the age of a person as measured from birth to a given date. Your Body Age or your Biological Age denotes how your body has aged health-wise compared to your chronological age. Your body age (biological age) is not dependent on how many birthdays you’ve […]
What is Gene Expression? Our genes define our potential, our limitations, and our predispositions to disease. Our DNA sequence is inherited from our parents and this cannot be changed. However, the expression of our genes is responsive and can be changed and it is influenced by epigenetics – our lifestyle, including our diet, physical exercise, […]
Long before the Covid-19 pandemic, most people worldwide were already dealing with stress and uncertainty in their daily lives. From rising health care costs, employment problems, economic challenges to social and family issues, many people struggle to manage their increasing stress levels on a daily basis. When stress turns chronic, anxiety sets in. People who […]
What is Collagen? Collagen is the largest component in the human body and it is the largest structural protein in the extracellular matrix in our body. It is in your bones, muscle and blood and comprises 70% of our skin and a third of the protein in your body. Formed of long-chain amino acids, its […]
Libido refers to our sexual desire, or the emotion and mental energy related to sex. Another term for it is “sex drive.” Your libido is influenced by: biological factors, such as testosterone and estrogen levels. Low libido, or reduced sexual desire, can affect both men and women. It is not unusual for a person’s interest […]
A year ago, scientists looking at the future of the COVID-19 pandemic were very optimistic in controlling its spread and treating it. Several vaccine development companies were zooming towards finding the panacea to treat and control it. Unlike the viruses that causes the flu or AIDS, they mistakenly thought that this virus couldn’t mutate to […]
A healthy immune system defends our body against disease and infection. But if our immune system malfunctions, it will mistakenly attack our healthy cells, tissues, and organs with severe consequences to our health. This is described as autoimmune disease and these attacks can affect any part of your body, weakening its bodily function and even […]
According to a recently published article in the Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Reviews, severe COVID-19 illness can result in excessive inflammation throughout the body, including the lungs, heart and brain. This study examined the human body’s robust inflammatory response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is now recognized as a hallmark symptom. According to this […]
Since the onset of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic last year, there have been several anecdotal reports of survivors who are still suffering from the persistent, long-term side effects from the infection which are alarming. Now with more than 23 million coronavirus infections worldwide and millions of people who have been fortunate to recover from COVID-19, […]
According to the Johns Hopkins University, more than 26.6 million people worldwide have been infected with CoVID-19 till date and around 17.7 million have recovered from the coronavirus. For those who have had the illness, recovery to normal health can be a slow journey. And even after you’re feeling better, there can be a period […]
Some experience all of those symptoms combined and some just one or two. However, there are people who barely experience these COVID-19 symptoms.
Sleep is critical to the effective functioning of our immune system. Studies show that people who do not get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus.
Photoaging may not be a very common term pertaining to the skin, but it accounts for one of the main reasons why our skin ages the way it does and also way faster than usual. Photoaging is the premature or accelerated aging of our skin due to sun exposure or even UV light exposure. It […]
Sore backs, who doesn’t get them every now and then? Whether you are young or old, back pain is so common that in fact it is the second most common reason for people to see a doctor. It may differ in location, character, severity, or length of time in our body. It can arise from […]
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage across the world and with the US, Europe and Asia struggling to fight off a 2nd and 3rd wave of the deadly virus, researchers are working with unprecedented relentless speed and determination to produce new treatments and vaccines to fight it. Much research has been focused on studying […]
We all know that sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. But what if our health issues emanate from sleep problems itself? The importance of a good night’s rest may not be as popular as eating a well-balanced meal, but adequate sleep is very important because of its vital effects […]
Metabolic syndrome is a term for a medical condition for a cluster of risk factors that, when they appear together in our body, they dramatically raise our risk of heart disease, heart failure, stroke and diabetes, as well as other non-cardiovascular conditions. Like smoking, it is one of the strongest predictors of heart disease. It […]
Months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is now coming to terms with a new normal. Cities and countries are adapting their own strategies in dealing with the crisis and adopting precautions that will change our habits and eventually the way we lead our life.
Introduction to Glycemic Index What is Glycemic Index? If you have not gone on a serious diet modification programme, this term may be quite unfamiliar to you. The glycemic index is a measurement system that assigns a number or score to foods with carbohydrate content and how much each type of food converts the carbohydrate […]
You may hear the term “inflammation” being used frequently to describe many conditions in the field of medicine and health. What really is inflammation. Inflammation is a process by which the body’s white blood cells and substances they produce protect us from infection caused by foreign organisms, such as bacteria and viruses.
Introduction to Depression Mental health has been a hot topic in recent years. Awareness of mental health is taken more seriously now than ever due to the rising stresses and new pressures of the social media era. The rate of afflictions to many have also been very alarming. Hence there is a serious drive to […]
Unlike the typical “influenza” virus which has predictable symptoms, the COVID-19 virus is very unpredictable and is perceived by experts as a “master of disguise”. It has many faces in terms of how it presents or manifests itself clinically, making it not easily detectable. Patients who are brought into the hospital with the usual symptoms […]
What is Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a serious condition in which our bones become fragile and brittle, leading to the higher risk of fracture. This causes excruciating pain. This occurs when our bones lose the essential minerals such as calcium more quickly than before the body can replace them. Osteoporosis affects an estimated 75 million people […]
Our genes contain the vital information that determine everything from our appearance to intelligence. These genes are inherited from our parents, and how they live will ultimately impact on our genes. Since the discovery of the Human Genome, the importance of genetics for us to have the risk of being inflicted with certain diseases such […]
Epigenetics is a trending field in life sciences. It may sound new but it has been a consistent study in the past years as it affects many aspects in biology and human medicine in powerful and enormous ways. Simply put, Epigenetics is a study of the changes in our genes’ activities that is caused by […]
Introduction The immune system is our body’s natural defense system. It’s an intricate network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend our body against bacteria, viruses, parasites. When it’s functioning well, this complex and effective defense system can keep health problems at bay. Our immune system can broadly be divided into two […]
“Libido” is medically defined, in part, as “sexual drive, conscious or unconscious” and “variously identified as the sex urge, desire for pleasure or satisfaction.” So what’s behind low sexual desire? Aging plays a role, though many older men have a robust interest in sex. Like most other human traits, the sex drive varies. Most men […]
“Libido” is medically defined, in part, as “sexual drive, conscious or unconscious” and “variously identified as the sex urge, desire for pleasure or satisfaction.” So what’s behind low sexual desire? Aging plays a role, though many older men have a robust interest in sex. Like most other human traits, the sex drive varies. Most men […]
Many adults take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements per day. In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements can contain minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other ingredients. Dietary supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders, as well as drinks and energy bars. Popular […]
Many adults take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements per day. In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements can contain minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other ingredients. Dietary supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders, as well as drinks and energy bars. Popular […]
Many adults take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements per day. In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements can contain minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other ingredients. Dietary supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders, as well as drinks and energy bars. Popular […]
Neurodegenerative diseases or the degeneration of brain function affects millions of people around the world. The most common are Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. In 2016, almost 6 million Americans lived with Alzheimer’s and it is estimated that in this year, 2020, about a million more could be living with Parkinson’s disease. The occurrence of […]
Neurodegenerative diseases or the degeneration of brain function affects millions of people around the world. The most common are Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. In 2016, almost 6 million Americans lived with Alzheimer’s and it is estimated that in this year, 2020, about a million more could be living with Parkinson’s disease. The occurrence of […]
During winter, surrounded by people who are infected with cold and flu, you must do all you can to improve your immune system as you can be infected at any time because of this exposure. In most viral infections, your immune system can attack viral particles in some stages of the infection. Now with the […]
Caviarlieri, a potent Caviar Anti-Aging Supplement is emblematic of Swiss Innovation and Quality as it is researched, developed and Made Only in Switzerland. Created as the latest innovation in Swiss Cellular Therapy, Caviarlieri is clinically proven to be effective in the many facets of anti-aging, increase in cellular energy levels, significant reduction in joint pain, […]
Determined to live an active lifestyle by exercising but don’t have enough energy to get up and going? Do you feel easily exhausted before, during and after exercising and not being able to fully recover away from physical exertion? Is your sexual performance and stamina compromised? Poor stamina and endurance that almost feels debilitating? With […]
Anti-aging is not a modern scientific finding and practice as many of us may think. The quest for solutions to aging woes dates back to ancient times and many countries around the globe have done their own research, formula, and many others. It has been called many names – Elixir of Youth, or Fountain of […]
Joint pains come in many forms and severities. The prevalence of this health issue is not taken so seriously compared to other disorders. But statistics should make us more aware and alarmed of its position in the innumerable health issues that plague us. According to, studies show that joint problems and diseases ranks fifth […]
Joint pains come in many forms and severities. The prevalence of this health issue is not taken so seriously compared to other disorders. But statistics should make us more aware and alarmed of its position in the innumerable health issues that plague us. According to, studies show that joint problems and diseases ranks fifth […]
When talking about anti-aging, it is hard not to think of it apart from beauty products. But little do we know that aging does not just affect your visible appearance. Aging is everywhere in your entire body – more so in the cells. There are other numerous set of conditions that come as time passes […]
The World Health Organization ranks chronic diseases as the greatest threat to health. Chronic inflammatory diseases — including stroke, heart disorders, cancer, and diabetes are the most significant cause of death worldwide. How can we possibly guard against chronic inflammation which can lead to degenerative diseases? Recent studies have shown that chronic inflammation can trigger […]
Most people don’t know that we age because our cells age. Therefore the prevailing view is that aging is inevitable. However, with the latest breakthrough in Swiss Cellular Therapy, the process of cell repair and renewal can be stimulated and accelerated. As we age, the rate of cell damage is faster than repair. However, when […]
Researchers at the Yale University in Connecticut are set out to determine the validity and effectiveness of a blood test that aims to measure a person’s “Phenotypic Age” or Biological Age instead of their Chronological Age. Chronological age refers to the age of your birth whereas Biological Age is the true age of your body. […]