"Cell Regeneration is activated in Caviarlieri"
Dr. Bollinger explains why Caviarlieri is part of the Anti-Aging protocol in the Medical Centre of Bad Ragaz and how patients benefit from the outcomes.
"Caviarlieri is a a great breakthrough in the field of stem cells and anti-aging medicine."
Dr. Ghislaine Beilin is a World renowned Aesthetic Medicine Speaker and the President of ESAAM (European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine) and she speaks about the outstanding benefits of Caviarlieri from a medical perspective.
"Caviairlieri is a Magic Pill with Outstanding Benefits"
Ms Ivana Sgheiz, a director of a leading luxury Spa shared her personal experience on how Caviarlieri has benefited her for the past years.
"Caviarlieri will be extremely successful."
Mr Warth is the Ex-Vice President of Swiss Caps Inc. and an expert in manufacturing for more than 11 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He shares his positive experience with Caviarlieri and explains why the product is effective because of its unique APIs , active ingredients which are very rare and difficult to find in the world.
"Caviarlieri helps Reduce Inflammation of the Joints, so No Pain of the joints"
Dr Michael Pappas, an active member of ESSAM (European Society of Anti-Aging) speaks about the amazing benefits of Caviarlieri and how this Caviar Cell Therapy product fulfils all 5 criteria of Anti-Aging.
Medical Center Bad Ragaz Caviarlieri Launch. The event was attended by anti-aging doctors and luminaries from Switzerland, US, France, Germany, Greece, China, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Asia. Most of the guests are consumers and loyal fans of Caviarlieri.
Dr. med. Brigitte Bollinger also speaks on the evidenced based benefits of Caviarlieri.