UNSERE STORY - Wissenschaftliche Studien

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Why Controlling Inflammation is Important for COVID-19?
Caviarlieri | October 19, 2020

According to a recently published article in the Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Reviews, severe COVID-19 illness can result in excessive inflammation throughout the body, including the lungs, heart and brain. This study examined the human body’s robust inflammatory response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is now recognized as a hallmark symptom. According to this […]

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COVID-19 and Inflammation
Caviarlieri | May 26, 2020

Unlike the typical “influenza” virus which has predictable symptoms, the COVID-19 virus is very unpredictable and is perceived by experts as a “master of disguise”. It has many faces in terms of how it presents or manifests itself clinically, making it not easily detectable. Patients who are brought into the hospital with the usual symptoms […]

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How Health and Lifestyle Changes can Improve Genetic Make Up
Caviarlieri | April 27, 2020

Our genes contain the vital information that determine everything from our appearance to intelligence. These genes are inherited from our parents, and how they live will ultimately impact on our genes. Since the discovery of the Human Genome, the importance of genetics for us to have the risk of being inflicted with certain diseases such […]

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How do you choose a Safe and Effective Supplement?
Caviarlieri | February 20, 2020

Many adults take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements per day. In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements can contain minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other ingredients. Dietary supplements come in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders, as well as drinks and energy bars. Popular […]

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Joint Pain Relief and Management without Side Effects
Caviarlieri | January 05, 2020

Joint pains come in many forms and severities. The prevalence of this health issue is not taken so seriously compared to other disorders. But statistics should make us more aware and alarmed of its position in the innumerable health issues that plague us. According to arthritis.com, studies show that joint problems and diseases ranks fifth […]